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Welcome to the On the Record page, where you can explore the work I’ve done as your representative on the Jefferson County Council.


This section serves as a transparent record of the bills I’ve sponsored, resolutions I’ve supported, and initiatives I’ve championed to benefit the communities of Jefferson County and District 5.


Here, you’ll find details of legislative actions, council projects, and ongoing efforts to address the issues that matter most to our district.


Stay informed and see how we’re working together to make Jefferson County stronger.

2025 GOALS

2025 County Goals and Initiatives


As we look toward 2025, our focus remains on strategic growth and community development, addressing critical needs, and laying the groundwork for sustainable progress in Jefferson County. Below are the primary initiatives and goals for the coming year:


Bed Tax (Transient Guest Tax)

One of the major initiatives for 2025 is the introduction of a county-wide overnight tax for transient guests, commonly referred to as a "bed tax." The goal of this tax is to support Jefferson County’s tourism efforts by bolstering the work of our existing Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), the Jefferson County Tourism Commission (JCTC).

While I do not envision the county establishing its own DMO, I am open to working collaboratively with JCTC to address any structural adjustments that may be necessary to make this tax initiative feasible. A key focus will be ensuring the flexibility to determine the most appropriate DMO for the county’s needs. Ultimately, the goal is to have this measure ready to be placed on the ballot for public approval.


Airport Feasibility Study

Another forward-looking project for 2025 involves commissioning a feasibility study to evaluate the potential for an airport in Jefferson County. This study will include an assessment of possible locations and the overall practicality of such a development. An airport could serve as a key driver for regional connectivity and economic growth.


Idaho Biking Laws Ordinance

In an effort to promote safety and efficiency for cyclists, I aim to introduce an ordinance allowing cyclists to follow "Idaho Stop" laws. These laws enable cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs, requiring them to slow down and check for traffic before proceeding but not requiring a complete stop. This legislation could encourage cycling as a safer and more practical mode of transportation.


Jefferson County Master Plan

Work on the Jefferson County Master Plan continues to be a priority. Completing this plan will enable the county to support smart development that aligns with the unique needs of its various regions. A comprehensive master plan will also help bring the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in line with community preferences. This alignment is particularly important given that housing and development issues have been some of the most divisive topics within the council. By addressing these issues thoughtfully, we can reduce conflict and encourage balanced growth.


Lesser Initiatives

In addition to the major goals, there are several smaller but still significant initiatives I am exploring:

  1. Puppy Mill Law

    • Legislation to further protect against inhumane puppy mills.

  2. Wood Boiler Appliance Freedom

    • Drafted legislation to protect residents on large lot-size zoned properties from HOA restrictions that prohibit wood boilers. This legislation will undergo legal review to ensure it complies with county regulations.


Key Issues I Support


Several broader issues are integral to the county’s continued growth and development:

  1. Housing and Development Growth

    • Encourage housing development, particularly non-HUD housing, in my district and other parts of the county.

    • Promote commercial development in areas such as Hillsboro and DeSoto.

  2. Annexation for Local Governance

    • Support annexation in areas around Pevely and Arnold to reduce county oversight and empower local self-governance.

  3. Port Development in Herculaneum

    • Advocate for development of the Herculaneum port for both tourism and commercial use.

  4. Ameren Energy Alternatives

    • Explore nuclear and alternative energy opportunities with Ameren to support Jefferson County’s growth.


Accomplishments Since Election


Cannabis Tax Legislation

I authored and championed the cannabis tax legislation that passed overwhelmingly on the ballot. This initiative is expected to generate over $1 million in annual revenue for the county, which will be directed toward debt management and other critical needs. This success required persistence, as I introduced the bill over a year before its passage.


Plattin Peaks Mountain Biking Park

Through collaboration with local leaders, stakeholders, and county services, I facilitated the development of Plattin Peaks. This mountain biking park will be a major recreational asset, benefiting not only our community but the entire region.


Cycling Master Plan

As an avid cyclist, I have been dedicated to incorporating cycling into the county’s broader master plan. Partnering with Jason Jonas and organizations like Trailnet, we have secured grant opportunities and initiated planning to enhance cycling infrastructure, positioning Jefferson County for future state and federal project support.


Senior Tax Credit (SB190)

While I support senior tax relief, I raised concerns about the state legislation's implementation. My proposed alternative legislation would have streamlined the process and ensured broader relief for seniors. Despite the council’s decision to proceed differently, I remain committed to advocating for improvements and monitoring related litigation in other counties.


Responsible Bidder Legislation

In collaboration with Laborers LIUNA!, I have worked on drafting legislation to incentivize contractors with strong benefits and apprenticeship programs. This initiative aims to improve labor standards and support skilled workers.


EV Resolution

Together with Bob, I introduced legislation to prioritize electric vehicle (EV) adoption within county fleets. While the initial bill did not pass, it sparked valuable discussions that resulted in grants and the acquisition of hybrid vehicles, as well as EV charging infrastructure.


Collaboration with Jefferson R7

Using the county council office as a bridge, I facilitated dialogue between Jefferson R7 School District, Ameren UE, and other stakeholders. This collaboration has been instrumental in addressing financial challenges stemming from the Rush Island power plant closure and ensuring the district’s confidence in managing the transition.



These accomplishments and ongoing initiatives reflect my commitment to addressing the diverse needs of Jefferson County residents. By building on our successes and tackling future challenges head-on, we can continue to move the county forward into 2025 and beyond.



Bill Number: Bill No. 25-0115 - An Ordinance Approving Application PM24077 To Rezone A Parcel Of Property From Large Lot Residential (LR2) Zone District To Planned Mixed (PM) Zone District And Development Plan For Plattin Peak Trails Located In Council District 5.

This was a bill that was heavily supported by me and will function to create better cycling and recreational activities for people in Jefferson County while attracting people from outside of the county to come in and spend commerce in our community.  

Urging Repeal of TikTok Ban and Support for Free Market Principles


Scott emails Congressman Smith Regarding TikTok Ban. 


Dear Congressman Jason Smith,


I hope this email finds you well. My name is Scott Seek, and I am both a concerned citizen of Jefferson County, Missouri, and a proud representative of District 5 on the Jefferson County Council, which includes Festus, Crystal City, Herculaneum, and Pevely. I am reaching out to express my deep concern regarding the TikTok ban that was enacted following the passage of H.R. 7521, H.R. 8038, and ultimately signed into law by President Biden. I urge you to advocate for the full repeal of this law and work toward a more thoughtful and balanced solution that upholds free market capitalism and safeguards the liberties of the American people.


The ban on TikTok has raised significant questions among the constituents I serve. While I recognize the importance of addressing national security concerns, I believe this legislation went too far, ultimately infringing on free market principles and the rights of individuals. TikTok has become an invaluable platform for entrepreneurship, innovation, and expression. It empowers small businesses, creators, and everyday Americans to reach global audiences in ways that were unimaginable just a decade ago. Instead of banning such a platform outright, we should explore ways to address security concerns without jeopardizing the opportunities TikTok offers to millions of Americans.

Additionally, I am deeply concerned about the influence of special interests and lobbyists in the drafting of this legislation. Laws should reflect the priorities of the American people, not the self-serving agendas of large corporations seeking to stifle competition. By repealing the existing law and starting fresh, Congress can ensure that any new legislation is grounded in free market capitalism, fairness, and transparency, rather than being shaped by lobbyists seeking to consolidate market power.


I urge you to be a champion for your constituents by calling for a full repeal of the TikTok ban. A better law can and should be crafted—one that prioritizes both national security and individual liberty while fostering competition and innovation in the free market. I firmly believe that such an approach will resonate with the values we hold dear here in Missouri and across the nation.  I have provided a draft legislation that may be useful for you and your staff to put forward for this repeal. 


Thank you for your time and dedication to representing the interests of our district and our state. I would be glad to provide any additional perspective or discuss this matter further if you wish.


Scott Seek

Jefferson County Missouri

County Council District 5


Address: P.O. Box 100. Hillsboro, MO 63050 

Phone: 636-797-5353

County Cell: 636-232-5965



Proposed Legislation: Repeal of TikTok Ban Act

(Draft Legislation)

Bill Title:
A Bill to Repeal the TikTok Ban and Promote Free Market Principles

Section 1. Short Title
This Act may be cited as the "Free Market Digital Access Act of 2025."

Section 2. Findings and Purpose
(a) Findings:
Congress finds the following:

  1. The legislation enacted through H.R. 7521 and H.R. 8038, which led to the effective ban of the social media platform TikTok, has raised concerns regarding free speech, innovation, and the free market.

  2. TikTok provides a vital platform for small businesses, entrepreneurs, content creators, and individuals to engage in commerce, creativity, and communication.

  3. The law banning TikTok disproportionately impacts the freedoms of American citizens and businesses, while addressing concerns that could be mitigated through alternative regulatory measures.

  4. Legislation that heavily reflects the influence of special interests and corporate lobbying risks harming competition and undermining public trust in government decision-making.

  5. Congress should foster a competitive, innovative, and secure digital economy while safeguarding the rights of citizens and upholding the principles of free market capitalism.

(b) Purpose:
The purpose of this Act is to repeal the previous ban on TikTok and provide Congress the opportunity to craft a more balanced and transparent framework for addressing national security concerns without stifling innovation, competition, and individual liberties.

Section 3. Repeal of Previous Law
(a) Repeal of Ban:
The following sections of federal law that enacted the ban on TikTok are hereby repealed in their entirety:

  1. All provisions and amendments enacted under H.R. 7521 and H.R. 8038 that resulted in restrictions, prohibitions, or limitations on the use or availability of the TikTok platform within the United States.

(b) Revocation of Regulations:
Any federal regulations, executive orders, or agency directives that were implemented to enforce the ban on TikTok are hereby rescinded and rendered null and void.

Section 4. Establishment of a Commission on Digital Privacy and Security
(a) Purpose of Commission:
To ensure that national security concerns are adequately addressed without infringing on individual rights or free market principles, Congress shall establish the "Commission on Digital Privacy and Security" (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission").

(b) Duties of the Commission:

  1. The Commission shall evaluate risks posed by foreign-owned digital platforms, including TikTok, and recommend strategies to address these risks without banning or restricting platforms unnecessarily.

  2. The Commission shall consider measures that enhance transparency in how companies collect and use data while ensuring compliance with privacy and security standards.

  3. The Commission shall ensure its recommendations prioritize free market competition and prevent monopolistic practices in the technology sector.

(c) Composition of the Commission:
The Commission shall include representatives from:

  1. Relevant federal agencies, including the Department of Commerce, Department of Homeland Security, and Federal Trade Commission.

  2. Academic experts on cybersecurity, digital innovation, and constitutional law.

  3. Representatives from private sector technology companies, small businesses, and consumer advocacy groups.

(d) Timeline:
The Commission shall submit a report with its findings and recommendations to Congress no later than 12 months after the enactment of this Act.

Section 5. Promotion of Free Market Digital Innovation
(a) Policy Statement:
Congress reaffirms its commitment to supporting a competitive digital marketplace where innovation, consumer choice, and free enterprise thrive.
(b) Anti-Lobbying Safeguards:
Any future legislation addressing digital platforms shall include provisions to limit the undue influence of corporate lobbying and ensure the focus remains on consumer welfare, fair competition, and national security.

Section 6. Effective Date
This Act shall take effect immediately upon its enactment.

Section 7. Severability Clause
If any provision of this Act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the Act and the application of its provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.



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