Issues & Political Concerns
Time for Change
Growth is Scott's number one issue. There are a lot of ways that Jefferson County has missed past opportunities. The current trend seems to favor an uninviting tone for industry and business. We are not actively seeking the growth that is necessary to make our county great. Organizations like the Jefferson County Growth Association, the Economic Development Corportation, The Jefferson County Port Authority, and the newly formed Jefferson County Tourism Commission struggle to stay afloat and at the same time industry is beating down the door to get into Jefferson County. There is not a better time in the history of Jefferson County to be welcoming and collaborative with our resources. Our job in government is to create an environment where that collaboration and organization can flow. Scott has fought for this type of growth for the past decade and will push for better collaboration and utilization of the recourses at our disposal.
Scott believes that tourism is a vital part of the Jefferson County experience. Tourism brings in dollars, interest, and development. The landscapes and features of Jefferson County are unlike any other in the State. Close to the City and yet rural in appearance, Jefferson County has an amazing portfolio of natural beauty and convenience for the out-of-town traveler. Scott will grow leadership and organization around tourism. From its inception, Scott was part of the Jefferson County Tourism Commission. Serving as board member and inaugural chairman, Scott has worked to growth the county's tourism prevalence. Through the JCGA, Scott was a founding member or the Bottleneck Bridge ride. This cycling event brings in over 500 cyclists each year to ride through our country roads and partake in our breweries and wineries.   Scott will help facilitate growth in the Jefferson County Tourism commission and will support their endeavors of growing the county through tourism.
Scott currently serves on the Jefferson County Park Board and has served as past president. The county parks are severely underfunded. This issue has created strife and division throughout the county. There are issues with horses in the parks; Radio Control (RC) vehicles; lack of cycling and walking connectors and trails. In short, the county's ability to cooperate and build better infrastructure is severely lacking. Most of the issues could be solved if there were allocated resources to solve them. Jefferson County has one of the lowest funded park systems in the United States. Jefferson County has missed and pushed away amazing opportunities with its recreational grounds. Scott is for funding the parks and growing the infrastructure of parks and recreational facilities in Jefferson County. Scott will work to grow the cooperation with existing park networks, like the state parks, municipal parks, Trailnet, developers. Parks and recreation will be a large focus of Scott's work as county councilman.
Scott will work to help expand and grow the ports of Jefferson County. The opportunity could not be more exciting as we grow into the port system that is finally becoming a reality. Scott wants to facilitate and support the port authority in growing a multifaceted approach to the utilization of the ports and commerce specifically in Jefferson County. Tourism, commerce, and development are drivers of a good local economy. The ports will bring the opportunity of prosperity if managed correctly. The airport will also be a focus of Scott's work. Bringing in a fully multimodal approach to Jefferson County will grow the opportunity that stands right in front of us. No area should be ignored.
Roads and Safety
Scott is an avid cyclist. He loves riding through the amazing terrain that Jefferson County has to offer. The roads are unlike any other place in the United States. There are little to no gravel roads (most paved) and traffic in many places are low. This is a cyclist (and runners) paradise. Scott is passionate about the ability and freedom for all forms of road utilization. These roads should gear towards multi-utilization. Motor Vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds, battery assisted bikes, bikes, and shoes should all be welcomed. Scott will work with advocacy groups to better the experience and allow for sharing of our roadways. Scott will work with groups to educate the public on courtesies, laws, best practices, and advocate for safety that is not motorist centric. Â
Scott works with several advocacy and planning groups throughout the region. These include the JCGA (one voice one plan committee), MODOT I-55 planning committee, and Trailnet (Jeffco stakeholders steering committee).
Scott does not want to try to fool the voter or any of the stakeholders. Scott will commit to constantly explaining his actions and showing them throughout his tenure serving as County Councilman for the 5th district. Decisions in the county should not be made strictly for the voters of the district that elects them. The council should be looking to support and coordinate issues that affect all of Jefferson County. This is one of the biggest problems the charter form of government has created over the years. Scott will serve for the betterment of all of Jefferson County. People with narrow vision and selfish agendas should not vote for Scott as they will be greatly disappointed in Scott's approach to governing. Scott will expect his fellow councilman to work in coordination with his efforts to find the best solution to problems that will arise as we grow. Scott will continue to update this web page and include youtube and facebook posts that explain his position on each of the issues.